Contact Silent Echo Studios at silentecho@mail.com. An appropriate form will be then sent to you by return (alternately you can click on the link below) in order for you to specify your requirements. Please complete the form with all the relevant information required and then send send it back to us and we'll do the rest.
State size of poster or flyer required (A1 to A5).
Poster information. Please ensure all information is correct (including spelling) and set out in the order required for display as mistakes cannot be rectified later.
[THEATRE GROUPS] Due to licensing requirements some shows (musicals etc) have specific requirements regarding images and fonts. These will be provided to you when apply for your licence please ensure that we are made aware of this.
If you have an image you would like used on your poster or flyer, please make sure it is high resolution and copywrite free. If you do not have a suitable image an appropriate one can be sourced for you. Also, if you require a specific font to be used please let us know.
After completing the design for your poster or flyer it will be emailed to you in PDF format for your approval As you will notice your poster will have a Silent Echo watermark on it and this will be removed on receipt of payment.
Silent Echo is a design service only and will not be responsible for the printing of any subject material, although we can point you in the right direction of some printing resources should you require advice.
Contact Silent Echo Studios at silentecho@mail.com.
Please state size of programme required. In general, most programmes are A5 in size but can be A4 if required.
In order to help you decided what size programme would be suitable please refer to the following table.
NB: It is recommended that before you send the information required you make a mock up of your programme as this will help you in planning what goes where. If you require any help with this, please feel free to contact us at silentecho@mail.com
Please be specific when sending information for your programme with regard what goes on which page.
If you have an image you would like used on your programme, please make sure it is high resolution and copywrite free. If you do not have a suitable image an appropriate one can be sourced for you. Also, if you require a specific font to be used please let us know.
After completing the design for your programme, it will be emailed to you in PDF format for your approval. As you will notice your poster will have a Silent Echo watermark on it and this will be removed on receipt of payment.
Silent Echo is a design service only and will not be responsible for the printing of any subject material, although we can point you in the right direction of some printing resources should you require advice.
Contact Silent Echo Studios at silentecho@mail.com. An appropriate form will be then sent to you by return (alternately you can click on the link below) for you to specify your requirements. Please complete the form with all the relevant information required and then send it back to us and we will do the rest.
Please be sure to state what style of business card you require (plain or funky).
If you have an image you would like used on your business card, please make sure it is high resolution and copywrite free (unless you have the copywrite for the image). If you do not have a suitable image an appropriate one can be sourced for you. Also, if you require a specific font to be used please let us know.
After completing the design for your business card, it will be emailed to you in PDF format for your approval. As you will notice your poster will have a Silent Echo watermark on it and this will be removed on receipt of payment.
The PDF for your business card will be suitable for uploading to printing services such as Vista* (*other printing services are available).
Contact Silent Echo Studios at silentecho@mail.com. An appropriate form will be then sent to you by return (alternately you can click on the link below) for you to specify your requirements. Please complete the form with all the relevant information required and then send it back to us and we will do the rest.
If you have an image you would like used on your card, please make sure it is high resolution and copywrite free (unless you have the copywrite for the image). If you do not have a suitable image an appropriate one can be sourced for you. Also, if you require a specific font to be used please let us know.
After completing the design for your card, it will be emailed to you in PDF format for your approval.
Once approved your card will be printed out for you on quality 400gsm card and sent to you along with an appropriate envelope(s).